Assize Seminar May 2024

The May 2024 Assize Seminar was held at the Crown Prosecution Service in London.

15:00 Opening, Matt Dyson
15:10 Lynette Woodrow, CPS, "Prosecution Guidance: Purpose and status under the law", commentary by Sarah Przybylska, 2 Hare Court.
16:15 Break
16:25 Stephen Shute, University of Sussex, "Challenging Parole Decisions in England and Wales: Reconsideration and Set Aside" commentary by HH Peter Rook KC, Deputy Chair of the Parole Board (speaking in a personal capacity)
17:30 Break
17:40 Ruth Coffey, Yale Law School and Red Lion Chambers, "Who is a murderer? Questioning the role of ‘intention’ in murder liability" commentary by Matt Dyson, University of Oxford.
18:45 Close of formal proceedings, followed by drinks

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