Understanding Innovation from Trademark Data

Event date
13 February 2025
Event time
17:15 - 19:00
Oxford week
HT 4
The Dorfman Room - St Peter's College

Prof. Dr. Carolina Castaldi

In this talk I will review the strand of empirical research using trademarks as data to measure innovation and related capabilities. This research started 20 years ago and is gaining momentum in recent years, thanks to opportunities of applying trademark-based indicators across different disciplines, including management, economics, international business and geography. I will share my own work but also showcase exciting work by others, to indicate emerging directions of further research that appear particularly promising and urgent.


Prof. Dr. Carolina Castaldi

Carolina Castaldi is Full Professor at Utrecht University, where she holds the Chair in Geography of Innovation. She obtained her PhD from Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy and held positions at leading universities in the Netherlands. Her research deals with processes of innovation and how they unfold over time and over space. Her goal is to develop a broad account of innovation, as including both technological and non-technological forms. Her original research contribution also includes the development of novel indicators of innovation, exploiting patent and trademark data. She has published her work across disciplines, including economics, management and geography. She is Editor at Industrial and Corporate Change and an advisor to policymakers on matters related to innovation, intellectual property rights and sustainable regional development.

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Intellectual Property Law