Mixed Methods Training for Data Collection

This training is designed for EURO-EXPERT team members but visitors to the project may also join. Contact us

The following training on mixed methods data-collection for socio-legal research which was designed in particular for EURO-EXPERT team members, was offered to all data-collectors. Visitors interested in the training may request to participate. Contact us

Training sessions with the Principal Investigator

Defining your sample

Representativity (seniority, geographic diversity, jurisdiction, fields of law)

Accessing caselaw

    Legal databases

    Keywords for cultural expertise related cases

Recruiting your respondents 


    Project presentations

Accessing cultural expertise out-of-court

Meta-data creation

Ethics and approvals


Training sessions with Post- Doctoral Researcher

Data Security including the full details of the online course, how to access it and how to share your certificate with us (see Technical Guide)

Using Nexus365 and Accessing OneDrive

Data handling, data back up, and using shared folders with OneDrive

Encrypting Documents and Files for Secure Transfer

Using the Case Law Spreadsheet, including how to download and name files and using the correct formats

Guidance on translating the survey and how to maintain formatting to it may be re-entered into Qualtrics

Guidance on content to be included in emails 

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