Samuel Pisar Travelling Fellowship in Human Rights
Applications for 2025 are now open with a closing date of Thursday 13th February 12 noon UK time.
The Samuel Pisar Travelling Fellowship in Human Rights will fund an Oxford graduate student studying law with a specific focus on human rights to work on a summer project, from July in a developing country.
Applicants will need to suggest and organize their own project placement and demonstrate that the suggested project will meaningfully impact on (i) their studies, (ii) an organisation or organisations they would work with in a developing country, and (iii) the Law Faculty and Bonavero Institute. The project should be undertaken in a developing country, generally in the summer vacation (three months project duration). In exceptional cases, the project might be undertaken in a developed country, if it would make a significant contribution to human rights.
The Travelling Fellowship should complement the student’s academic work with practical experience of: rights’ violation litigation, case-led or policy-driven research, and/or advocacy at community and government levels. The areas of focus for the proposed projects could include: advancing education and health rights; women and children’s rights; freedom of expression; genocide; refugees’ rights; and inheritance law. Projects in other areas that fall within the broad field of human rights will also be considered.
The successful candidate will receive an award to assist with travel, accommodation, living, and other reasonable expenses associated with the internship. In determining the amount to be awarded, other sources of funding will be taken into account.
The candidate will also be expected to provide a full report on their work at the end of their internship.
Exceptional Eligibility for this Scheme
PLEASE NOTE: that due to the grant conditions for this fellowship only current and recently graduated students from the Law Faculty are eligible, not graduate students from other departments with a previous law degree as is the case for our other fellowships.
Please refer to the overview page referring specifically to the application process and eligibility criteria.
The fellowship has been made possible by a generous gift from Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin.