Constitutional Law and Theory Discussion Group

Aim: Founded and convened by Eva Montero Ibarra and Raza Nazar, the CLTDG is a student-led and student-focused discussion group that welcomes all students interested in constitutional law and theory. We aim to foster an inclusive and diverse space where current students and early career scholars can workshop draft papers or receive peer feedback, and to build a strong sense of community. The CLTDG embraces a broad definition of constitutional law and theory and welcomes scholars using a wide range of methodological approaches. We champion jurisdictional diversity and encourage studies of constitutional law focused on any contemporary or historical legal system, with a particular emphasis on welcoming contributions concerning the Global South.

Regular sessions: The CLTDG allows members to share work-in-progress and receive feedback from peers, over nibbles and refreshments. During the sessions, researchers will deliver presentations about their research projects and receive feedback from peers and faculty members.

When: We meet fortnightly during Hilary and Trinity Term, in even weeks (weeks 2,4,6,8), on Mondays from 12:00 -13.00 GMT.

Where: The session will be held in Teaching Room 5 at Trinity College, Oxford. Though in-person attendance is highly encouraged, events will be hybrid. Links to the sessions will be provided to those subscribed to our mailing list.

Ad-hoc sessions: In addition to our regular fortnightly meetups, we aspire to organise socials, specialised workshops, and networking events with scholars from other universities.

Mailing list: subscribe to our mailing list by sending a blank email with a blank subject line to . You will be sent a confirmation request and, after response to that, a message confirming your subscription. Subscribers can unsubscribe at any time by sending a blank email to

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