Research posts in the Faculty of Law: mentoring
The role of a mentor for contract research staff
The University’s Code of Practice states that ‘Where possible and appropriate, researchers will be offered a mentor to serve as a sounding board, information source, critical friend or career guide’. It is Law Faculty policy to appoint a mentor for every member of contract research staff, and this should be someone other than the supervisor. The frequency of meetings will be at the discretion of the mentor and mentee, but it is suggested that they should meet at least once per term, more frequently at the start of the appointment, particularly if the person is new to Oxford. The mentor will help the person settle in, make introductions, help them to navigate their way around the Centre/Faculty and University administrative systems and staff, help them to locate useful sources of information, provide advice on research and places to publish, and give guidance on gaining teaching experience if the appointee so wishes. Anything discussed between the mentor and mentee should be treated as confidential unless it is agreed otherwise with the mentee.