The project is organised by Jeremias Prassl, Associate Professor in Law and Fellow of Magdalen College, and funded through a British Academy Rising Star Engagement Award from March 2015-March 2017.
European labour law and policy are at a crucial crossroads: as the macro-economic situation in most member states recovers from the financial crisis, labour markets continue to struggle as workers see their share of the recovery diminish. After last year’s elections to the European Parliament, and the formation of a new European Commission, this ongoing crisis should sit at the heart of policy makers’ search for new directions and priorities.
The Project
By bringing together senior European officials from across different institutions with young labour law scholars selected from the 28 Member States, the Shaping Future Directions in EU Labour Law project hopes to provide a new impetus for early career scholars’ work in this field.

Read the blog on the British Academy website.
Work in progress was presented at the European Labour Law Network's ELLN Young Scholars' Blog.
View the six presentations from the December 2015 workshop - all on Youtube and 15 - 20 minutes each.