Opportunities for Students
There are many students at Oxford pursuing advanced research in the “Law and Technology” field as part of a doctorate (DPhil) or master’s (MPhil) degree. Their work covers a wide range of subjects, such as digital privacy and data protection, social media regulation, technological innovation and intellectual property, the use of AI in clinical contexts, and access to essential medicines. Anyone with an interest in pursuing advanced research in these and related fields is welcome to contact us.
Oxford Law also offers several taught courses in Law and Technology. These include a BCL/MJur Regulation option, focused on the impact of advanced digital and bio technologies on traditional methods of regulation by the state; an FHS Jurisprudence Law, Regulation and Technology mini-option, focused on the legal philosophical implications of regulating Big Data and Cyberspace; a BCL/MJurLaw and Computer Science course, aimed at fostering legal/computer science collaboration; and FHS and BCL/MJur Law and Technology options, focused on cutting-edge issues at the Law and Technology interface.
Further information about our postgraduate taught courses and students is available here and here.