Key Travel: online booking

How to book travel & accommodation

The University's preferred supplier for travel is Key Travel. You can book airline or train tickets or hotel accommodation with Key Travel and the cost will be invoiced directly to the Faculty. By using Key Travel you can avoid paying for bookings personally and reclaiming through the expenses claim process. Key Travel also have access to preferential academic fares with some airlines.

The University's dedicated Key Travel reservations team can be contacted on: 01618 199763 or Once a preferred itinerary has been identified you will be emailed a quote by Key Travel. You will need to forward this email to a member of the Finance Team or your Centre Administrator who can raise a purchase order (PO). Please remember to include in the email details of the budget being used to fund the travel e.g. a project number or RSF award reference. Your booking will only be finalised once the PO reference has been passed on to Key Travel.

Key Travel on-line booking service

All staff can also be given access to the Key Travel online booking service which allows you to search for flights, train fares and hotel accommodation. Travellers place their preferred option in the "basket" and share the provisional booking with a member of the Finance Team or the appropriate course or centre administrator by selecting their email from a drop-down list within the Key Travel website. The administrator who has been sent the provisional booking can approve the purchase by raising a PO and completing the process online, the booking is confirmed and travel documents are emailed to the traveller. The Faculty will be invoiced drectly for the travel.

If you would like access Key Travel online bookings please email Anne Maxfield, Finance Manager, and you will be sent log-in details, usually on the next day.

Before making your first booking you may find it useful to access an online user guide.

Please bear in mind that bookings will usually be held for a maximum of 24 hours so make sure you "shop" for your travel during normal working hours when admin staff will be available to process the booking. Ideally, bookings should be shared early in the day giving administrators time to deal with the request and raise a PO before the booking expires.