MSPL Postgraduate Conference
We now invite proposals to present original postgraduate research in property law at the conference in one of three formats.
Anyone currently enrolled in a postgraduate research degree programme, in the UK or globally, is eligible to present at the conference. Unfortunately, however, it will not be possible to offer any funding towards the travel costs or the costs of attending the conference, even for speakers.
Full paper proposals — individual speakers (Thursday 31 March)
Full papers should be in the region of 8,000-10,000 words and will need to be available as a complete draft, for circulation to conference delegates, 3 weeks before the conference. The topic of the paper should be related to ‘property law’, broadly defined to include doctrinal, political, philosophical and economic perspectives on any aspect of property in the common law tradition. A full paper may be drawn from chapters of a larger thesis but should advance an original argument that stands on its own. Speakers should also expect to prepare a micro- presentation summarising their research for discussion during the main conference; a poster or a slide (for virtual presentation) should be prepared by Monday 28 March 2022. Proposals should include a brief abstract of the paper (about 300 words) and a very brief author CV (just a few lines).
Panel sessions — three speakers (Thursday 31 March)
Panel sessions will involve the discussion, by three speakers, of a shared theme on a topic of interest related to property law, broadly defined. Panels may be organised around particular legal problems, research methods, or sources (e.g., discussion of a recent or important book within property law scholarship or of a recent case). Presenters will need to circulate a jointly authored summary or abstract of their intended discussion topic, 3 weeks before the conference. They should also expect to prepare a micro-presentation summarising their panel theme for discussion during the main conference; a poster or a slide (for virtual presentation) should be prepared by Monday 28 March 2022. Panel proposals should include a brief explanation of the topic or theme and the contribution of each speaker (about 500 words), as well a brief CV (a few lines each) of each speaker.
Micro-presentations (Tuesday 29 March - Thursday 31 March)
Micro-presentations offer the opportunity to informally discuss a research project with conference delegates during breaks in the main MSPL conference, in virtual break-out rooms or in-person. Presenters will need to prepare a poster or (for virtual presentation) a slide summarising key themes of their research project, which will need to be ready by Monday 28 March 2022. Speakers who wish to present only in the micro-presentation format should submit a proposal that includes a brief explanation of the research project (300 words or less) and a brief CV (a few lines) of the speaker.
Submission details
Proposals for papers should be sent to by Monday 20 December 2021. Proposals should indicate the category for which they are submitted, either (1) full paper, (2) panel session, or (3) micro-presentation, and indicate whether the intention is to present in person or remotely.
The decision as to which papers to accept is made by a panel of property lawyers and results will be communicated in January 2021.