Blog Submission Guidelines

Submissions for the OUULJ's Blog are open. All submissions will be considered on a rolling basis.

All submissions should be sent to as a Word Document, with the Subject Title "OUULJ Blog Submission". 

The Oxford University Undergraduate Law Blog (OUULB) is a forum for the exchange of legal ideas. We are looking for articles about any issue of law, or notes about a recent case, recent legislation or recent legal developments. There is no requirement that the submission must concern a subject within the scope of the Oxford Law Syllabus.

The OUULB welcomes submissions of the following types:

  • Opinion pieces, which advance a personal viewpoint on a current issue or debate in law; and
  • Current awareness pieces, which report on recent notable developments in legislation or case law.

General Guidelines for all Contributors:

  • Submissions must be from current undergraduate and postgraduate students at the University of Oxford. Submissions should be the original work of the contributor.
  • As far as possible, authors should link relevant sources in the text. Cases and other paywalled sources should be included in the footnotes.
  • Submissions should be no shorter than 1250 words, and no longer than 1,750 words. If you have a longer piece of writing you wish to submit as a blog post, please contact us to discuss possible arrangements.
  • Submissions should not contain content that could be considered offensive, abusive, derogatory or potentially defamatory.
  • We accept submissions on a rolling basis. The Editorial Board will get in touch with you to kickstart the editing process if your submission is successful.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. If you have any further questions, drop us an email at 

We look forward to receiving your submissions. 

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