Drug courts in Latin America: To what extend do they align with the principles of Therapeutic Jurisprudence?
Catalina Droppelmann, Centre for Studies on Justice and Society, PUC.
Notes & Changes
Drug Treatment Courts (DTCs) have witnessed a notable surge in adoption across various countries in Latin America and the Caribbean over the past decade. While closely associated with Therapeutic Justice (TJ), it is imperative to distinguish between the two concepts. DTCs represent a specific alternative criminal procedure that incorporates some principles of TJ. In contrast, TJ constitutes a broader paradigm that examines the impact of legal norms and practices on the well-being of affected individuals, emphasizing more dignified modes of treatment and fairer processes.
Scholars have emphasized the necessity of strengthening DTCs' capacity to achieve these objectives, as there are concerns that DTCs may engender anti-therapeutic effects among participants. Given the increasing prevalence of DTCs in Latin America and the complexities associated with their implementation, a critical analysis is essential to assess the extent to which DTCs align with the principles of TJ.
Speaker's BIO
Catalina is lecturer at the School of Government and directs the Centre for Studies on Justice and Society at the Pontificia Universidad Católica in Chile (https://justiciaysociedad.uc.cl/). She has worked for more than 20 years conducting research, teaching, and public policies in the fields of justice, crime, and social exclusion. She is a Psychologist from the University of Valparaíso and has a Master Degree (Chevening Scholar) and a PhD in Criminology from the University of Cambridge. Her last book “Transitions out of crime: New approaches on desistance in late adolescence” was published by Routledge in 2022.
Contact: cadroppelmann@uc.cl