Jean Thomas: "The Beginning of Jurisprudence: Social Normativity and Legality"

Event date
30 November 2023
Event time
17:00 - 19:00
Oxford week
MT 8
Goodhart Seminar Room University College

Jean Thomas (Queen's)

Notes & Changes

Abtract: The debate in general jurisprudence is oriented around a divide between positivists and anti-positivists. We can characterize the divide simply: positivists, broadly following H.L.A. Hart, take law to exist in virtue of a social practice at its base; anti-positivists agree that law exists in virtue of a social practice, but insist that its existence is determined by facts other than social ones, namely, normative facts. If law is, whatever else it may be, grounded in a social normative practice, what might be the implications of that? In this paper I will explore that question: what are the implications of putting the social normative practice that grounds legal systems squarely in the foreground of an account of LAW?

Jean Thomas, Associate Professor at Queen’s Law and joint convenor of the Colloquium in Legal and Political Philosophy, presents the final paper of Michaelmas Term 2023, "The Beginning of Jurisprudence: Social Normativity and Legality".


This seminar takes place in the Arthur Goodhart Seminar Room, University College, at 5:00pm on Thursday November 30.

The Room is located in Logic Lane and can be accessed from High St. or Merton St. without having to go through the main entrance to Univ College.

This event is open to anyone. No registration needed.

Pre-reading is desirable and strongly suggested, but not a requirement to attend.


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