International Trade Law
The 'Right to Regulate' in the Public Interest and the 'Police Power' in International Investment Law
Kate Louise Amelia Mitchell, supervised by Professor Dapo Akande
Submitted in 2017
Non-Discrimination in International Economic Law
Michail Risvas, supervised by Professor Dan Sarooshi
Submitted in 2016
Sustainable Development in International Trade Law: Integrating Economic and Social Development and Environmental Protection in Emerging Trade Regimes
Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, supervised by Professor Vaughan Lowe
Submitted in 2013
The Development of WTO Law in Light of Transnational Influences: The Merits of a Causal Approach
Gregory Messenger, supervised by Professor Dan Sarooshi
Submitted in 2012
Product Standards in International Trade: Assessing the Scope of Domestic Regulator Autonomy in the GATT/WTO system
Ming Du, supervised by Professor Dan Sarooshi
Submitted in 2011
Regulatory Regionalism and Article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Mehmet Karli, supervised by Dr Stefan Talmon
Submitted in 2010
Trade Liberalization vs. Domestic Regulation of Services: The Future of Maritime Transport
Ese Stephen Owie, supervised by Professor Vaughan Lowe
Submitted in 2010