The Bonavero Institute publishes new report No. 1/2024: "The Non-Punishment Principle and its Implementation in the UK: Proceedings from ‘Different perspectives on the non-punishment principle’ Workshop, University of Oxford, October 2023"

The Bonavero Institute of Human Rights announces the publication of its latest Bonavero Report No. 1/2024 entitled “The Non-Punishment Principle and its implementation in the UK: Proceedings from ‘Different perspectives on the non-punishment principle’ Workshop, University of Oxford, October 2023”. The Report was co-produced by the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, the Wilberforce Institute and the Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre.

This report reflects a joint effort of the participants of the ‘Different perspectives on the non-punishment principle’ workshop that took place at the University of Oxford in October 2023. The report was written by Alicia Heys and Maayan Niezna based on contributions from all the workshop participants.