Harassment Advice

The University does not tolerate any form of harassment or victimisation and expects all members of the University community, its visitors and contractors to treat each other with respect, courtesy and consideration.

According to the University's Harassment Policy, a person subjects another to harassment by engaging in unwanted and unwarranted conduct which has the purpose or effect of:

  • violating another person’s dignity, or
  • creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for another person.

The recipient does not need to have explicitly stated that the behaviour was unwanted.

Bullying is a form of harassment and may be characterised as offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour, or misuse of power through means intended to undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient.

Freedom of speech and academic freedom are protected by law though these rights must be exercised within the law. Vigorous academic debate will not amount to harassment when it is conducted respectfully and without violating the dignity of others or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them.

Find out more

If you feel like you have been a victim of harassment or bullying, the Faculty has two Harassment Advisors you can contact for confidential advice. They are:

A conversation with a Harassment Advisor is just that, a conversation. It is not the start of a formal process but an opportunity for you to voice your concerns in a supportive and non-judgemental space. They can guide you through the University Procedure on Harassment and Bullying; clarify the options open to you; support you in resolving the matter informally where possible; and signpost you on to other agencies or support systems where appropriate.

If you would rather speak to someone outside the Faculty, please visit the Harassment Advisor Network link below. There are over 450 harassment advisors across departments and faculties within the University who form part of the network and who can offer confidential advice.

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