Equality and Diversity Committee


Function: A sub-committee of the Law Board, the Equality and Diversity Committee shall be responsible for monitoring equality and diversity in the Faculty, and for making proposals to Law Board on policies concerning equality and diversity, and for such matters as shall be referred to it by the Board. The Committee shall advise the Dean, the Vice Dean and other Faculty officers as they may request on equality and diversity matters for which they are responsible.

The Equality and Diversity Committee will be a forum for Faculty Officers to report on their activities in relation to equality, diversity and inclusion (which will also be forwarded to the Law Board with the minutes). The Committee will also provide an opportunity for students to raise matters of concern. Areas that the Committee will address may include admissions, examinations, staff recruitment, retention and remuneration, governance, the application of the University’s Equality Policy within the Faculty, and the Faculty’s policies, practices and procedures generally.

Membership: The Committee shall consist of the Associate Dean for Equality and Diversity (who shall chair the committee), the Vice Dean, the Associate Dean for Undergraduates, the Associate Deans for Graduates (taught and research), the Access and Outreach Co-ordinator, four other members of the Faculty at various stages of their careers, one of whom shall represent fixed-term academic post holders and the Faculty’s Student Diversity representatives. The appointed members shall ordinarily serve for three years. The Committee may consult or co-opt one or more members of the Faculty or of Faculty staff in connection with particular matters, as it sees fit, and may establish sub-committees or working groups to consider particular items of business. The committee shall normally meet twice a term on weeks 4 and 8, and the Secretary shall be the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer. 

Committee meetings are open to all staff and students of the Faculty.

Meeting dates and previous meeting minutes* can be found on the right-hand side of this page. 

If you would like to join the next meeting, please contact the Committee's Secretary, Clara Elod.

*Please note that, in order to access the minutes, one must be logged in.

Membership (2023-24)

Ex officio members:

Other members appointed by the Board:

Other representatives:

Officers in attendance: Paul BurnsMichelle Robb and Charlotte Vinnicombe

Secretary: Clara Elod, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer

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