Leaseholders and refurbishment event: overcoming the legal, practical and policy challenges

The Faculty of Law and Future Climate held an event in Westminster to discuss the challenge for social housing providers in working with private leaseholders to undertake refurbishment projects – particularly installing energy efficiency and renewable energy measures.

The meeting brought together representatives from government departments, first tier tribunal judges and managers from housing associations and local authorities to addressed the financial, communication and engagement issues that can make it difficult for leaseholders to pay for measures and lead to conflict between social landlords and leaseholders. The Law Commissioner, Professor Nicholas Hopkins provided the opening address. Chatham house rule applied, but see below for presentations, notes of the facilitated discussion are also available.

The distinction between repairs and improvement – Amanda Gourlay, barrister, Tanfield Chambers
Findings of research into Oxford tower blocks project – case study – Professor Susan Bright, Professor of Land Law, Oxford University
Proposed legal reform – Mark Routley, Partner, TLT Solicitors
Leaseholder engagement – Kate Newbolt (author of TPAS Leaseholder Engagement guide) – Cross Keys Homes
Results of a survey into working with leaseholders on refurbishment projects – David Weatherall, Director, Future Climate
Financing refurbishment – Andy Deacon, Director, Future Climate
Facilitated discussion (notes available)
Closing Remarks – Professor Susan Bright