The Oxford Business Law Blog holds its 2nd Annual Conference on Law and Artificial Intelligence
On 8 March, the Oxford Business Law Blog held its 2nd annual conference, this year hosted at St. Hugh’s College. This year’s theme was the 'Law of Autonomous Systems and the Automation of Law'. The conference was well attended, with speakers from academia, industry and practice, including PwC, SAP, Morrison Foerster, Universities of Cambridge and Oxford, the Alan Turing Institute and the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, amongst other noted institutions.
The day commenced with a welcome address from Dame Elish Angiolini, Principal of St Hugh’s College, followed by addresses from Professors Anne Davies and Horst Eidenmüller. The discussions were structured around four panels, chaired by the OBLB’s Academic Editors, Professors Horst Eidenmüller, Luca Enriques, Kristin van Zwieten and Jenny Payne. The panelists explored a wide range of emerging topics under the umbrella of “law and artificial intelligence”, including, smart contracts, cybersecurity, cryptocurrencies, blockchain, data control and the GDPR, big data, fintech, self-driving cars, smart cities and legaltech.
Overall, the conference was an insightful and invigorating exploration of both the challenges and opportunities that the proliferation of AI and related technology presents. The speakers’ contributions will be published on the OBLB over the coming weeks, in a special conference series.
The 2nd annual conference of the OBLB was generously sponsored by Travers Smith - general benefactor of the OBLB - and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer.