2018 Varsity Roman Law Moot
The 2018 Varsity Roman Law Moot took place on Thursday 14 June. The Oxford team comprised Risa Tan (St Hildas), Celine Leong (St Annes), Ee Hsiun Chong (St Johns), and Chaitanya Kediyal (Exeter). The team was coached by Niamh Herrett (Merton), Tim Koch (Jesus), and Andrew Dixon (Merton).
The moot took place at All Souls College, Oxford, and was judged by each university’s Regius Professor of Civil Law: Professor Wolfgang Ernst (Oxford) and Professor David Ibbetson (Cambridge). The moot problem dealt with the actio commodati, actio damni iniuriae and actio furti, and involved eleven scrolls of an old law book that had been tossed into the Bosphorous by the wife of a young lawyer. The actions were brought by a bookkeeper who sought to recover the value of the set of ninety scrolls that had been destroyed rather than the value of each individual scroll.
The Cambridge team was declared victorious by a narrow margin, though the competition was thoroughly enjoyed by all participants.