Oxford team wins prizes at the NLS-Trilegal International Arbitration Moot 2021
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The Fourteenth NLS Trilegal International Arbitration Moot took place virtually between 20th and 23rd May 2021. 50 teams from 6 countries submitted memoranda for the claimant and respondents in hopes of being one of the 28 teams to go through to the oral rounds. The moot problem covered: the procedural issues of arbitrator appointments, joinder of non-signatories to the arbitration agreement, and the law applicable to these questions; and the substantive issues of misrepresentation, implied terms, and restitution in the context of a business disruption claim under an insurance contract.
26 teams spent the weekend arbitrating the fictional cross-border commercial dispute over claims for business interruption as a result of the lockdown imposed in response to the global pandemic under an insurance contract. They were also expected to make submissions on the composition and jurisdiction of the tribunal by examining the law applicable to the arbitration agreement and its extension to a non-signatory party.
Alfred Lewis (Harris Manchester College), Gloria Schiavo (St Hilda’s College), Mihir Rajamane (Magdalen College), and Qasver Khan (Hertford College) represented the Oxford Law Faculty at the competition. After the preliminary rounds, the team placed 9th, with 3 wins out of 4 rounds, and bowed out of the competition at that stage. The team won the award for the Best Memorandum for the Respondents. Alfred Lewis won the award for the Best Speaker in the oral rounds, with Mihir Rajamane ranking the second best speaker.
The Mooting Programme congratulates Alfred, Gloria, Mihir and Qasver on their brilliant performance!