ELSI Job Opportunities

We are delighted to share two ELSI positions on behalf of our colleague, Dr Deborah Mascalzoni, Group Leader ELSI (Ethical Legal and Social Issues in Research), Eurac Research Bolzano and also CRB- Center for Ethics and Bioethics, Uppsala University.  


 The two ELSI positions available :

Junior researcher with expertise in ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI) of biomedical research
For details of this position
Application deadline: 23 January 2022
Contact person: Deborah Mascalzoni 
This position is within the CHRIS-2D project, funded by the European Regional Development Fund, program „EFRE 2014-2020“, project ID FESR1157. CUP: D54I20001390008.
Post-Doc Researcher in ELSI working on social issues in clinical trials and on perception of patients

For details of this position, cick here
Application deadline: 17 January 2022
Contact person: Deborah Mascalzoni 
This position is within the FACILITATE project, funded by the European Commission, program H2020, project ID 101034366. CUP D55F21003420006