Caio Machado

DPhil Socio-Legal Studies

Other affiliations

Wolfson College


Lawyer and social scientist, Caio has worked as a consultant and researcher in the legal aspects of information technologies, specifically looking at Data Protection, Disinformation, Artificial Intelligence, and Health Technology. He is a collaborator at the Center for the Analysis of Liberty and Authoritarianism (LAUT) and the Center for Public Health of the University of São Paulo (CEPEDISA-USP).

Caio holds a Master of Science from the University of Oxford, a Master of Laws from the École de Droit de la Sorbonne, and a degree in Law from the University of São Paulo. He has previously researched at the Digital Ethics Lab, the Computational Propaganda Project, and the UnBias Project. He was a Google Public Policy Fellow at the Institute for Technology & Society - Rio de Janeiro.

Research Interests

- Disinformation

- Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms

- Regulation of Health Technologies

- Data Protection