Paul Yowell
Associate Professor of Law
Paul Yowell is a fellow of Oriel College and associate professor in the faculty of law. Previously, he was a lecturer at New College. He did his postgraduate studies at Oxford (DPhil, MPhil, BCL), having previously practiced law and studied in the US (JD, BA, Baylor University). He is also on the adjunct faculty of the University of Notre Dame. He is the author of Constitutional Rights and Constitutional Design: Moral and Empirical Reasoning in Judicial Review and co-author of Legislated Rights: Securing Human Rights Through Legislation. He researches broadly in public law and legal theory, with particular interest in the separation of powers, Constitutional theory, comparative constitutional law, and human rights.
Yowell P, ‘Legislation, common law, and the virtue of clarity’ (2012) 39(2) Revista Chilena De Derecho 481
Yowell P, ‘Legislación, precedente, y virtud de la claridad’ [2012] Revista Chilena De Derecho
Yowell P, ‘A Critical Examination of Dworkin’s Theory of Rights’ (2007) 52 American Journal of Jurisprudence 93
Yowell P, ‘The negative legislator: On Kelsen’s idea of a constitutional court’ in M Belov (ed.), Courts, Politics and Constitutional Law: Judicialization of Politics and Politicization of the Judiciary (Routledge 2019)
Yowell P, ‘Legislative Protection of Human Rights’, Legislated Rights: Securing Human Rights Through Legislation (Cambridge University Press 2018)
Webber G and Yowell P, ‘Introduction: On Legislated Rights’, Legislated Rights: Securing Human Rights Through Legislation (Cambridge University Press 2018)
Yowell P, ‘Dworkin, interpretation and legal change’, Law’s Hermeneutics: Other Investigations (2017)
Yowell P, ‘The Impact of the Joint Committee on Human Rights on Legislative Deliberation’ in M Hunt, H Hooper and P Yowell (eds.), Parliaments and Human Rights: Redressing the Democratic Deficit (Hart Publishing, Oxford 2015)
Yowell P, ‘Proportionality in US Constitutional Law’ in L Lazarus, C McCrudden and N Bowles (eds.), Reasoning Rights: Comparative Judicial Engagement (Hart Publishing, Oxford 2014)
Yowell P, ‘Why the ECB Cannot Save the Euro’ in G Ringe and P Huber (eds.), Legal Challenges in the Global Financial Crisis: Bail-outs, the Euro and Regulation (Hart Publishing, Oxford 2014)
Yowell P, ‘Empirical Research in Rights-Based Judicial Review of Legislation’ in PM Huber and K Ziegler (eds.), Current Problems in the Protection of Human Rights– Perspectives from Germany and the UK (Hart Publishing, Oxford 2013)
Yowell P, ‘The Justiciability of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the Domestic Law of Member States’ in PM Huber and K Ziegler (eds.), The EU and National Constitutional Law (Richard Boorberg Verlag, Munich 2012)
Barber N, Ekins R and Yowell P, Lord Sumption and the Limits of the Law (Hart Publishing 2016)
Hunt M and Yowell P, Parliaments and Human Rights: Redressing the Democratic Deficit (Hart 2015)
Yowell P, ‘Review of John Finnis, Collected Essays: Volumes I-V’ [2013] Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 247 (review)
Yowell P, ‘Review of Jeffrey Goldsworthy (ed) Interpreting Constitutions: A Comparative Study (OUP 2006)’ [2007] Public Law 396 (review)
Hooper H, Hunt M and Yowell P, ‘Parliaments and Human Rights: Redressing the Democratic Deficit’ (Arts and Humanities Research Council 2012)