Sfiso Benard Nxumalo


Sfiso Benard Nxumalo is reading for a Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in Law at the Faculty of Law at Oxford University. He holds a Bachelor of Civil Laws (BCL) from the University of Oxford and a Bachelor of Laws from the University of the Witwatersrand. His research for the DPhil concerns the philosophical purviews of the African Charter on Human and People's Rights and African Legal Theory. 

He teaches constitutional law and administrative law at Brasenose College as a stipendiary lecturer and contract law at Balliol College as a tutor. 

He is the President of the Oxford Law Black Alumni Network and a former Graduate Research Resident at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights. He was also awarded the Samuel Pisar Travelling Fellowship in Human Rights to intern at the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights. 

Prior to beginning his studies at Oxford, Sfiso served as a law clerk to Justice Sisi Khampepe and Justice Steven Majiedt at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of South Africa. He also worked as a candidate attorney at Bowmans, a leading law firm in Africa.

Sfiso's research interests include constitutional law, administrative law, property law, legal history, jurisprudence and general commercial law.

Research Interests

Constitutional law, administrative law, contract law, human rights, property law, legal history, jurisprudence and general commercial law

Research projects & programmes

Oxford Law Black Alumni