Simon Whittaker
Emeritus Research Fellow, St John's College
Other affiliations
Institute of European and Comparative LawBiography
Simon Whittaker is an emeritus research fellow at St John's College, formerly being a fellow and tutor in law at St. John's College and Professor of European Comparative Law. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Paris I and University of Paris II on a number of occasions. He was called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn in 1987.
Whittaker S, ‘A Framework of Principle for European Contract Law?’ (2022) 125(October) Law Quarterly Review 616
Whittaker S, ‘Retaining European Union Law in the United Kingdom’ [2021] (July) Law Quarterly Review 477
Whittaker S, ‘Un cadre commun pour la responsabilité civile?’ (2019) 2019(4) Revue Des Contrats 145
Borghetti J and Whittaker S, ‘Principes généraux de responsabilité ou droit des délits?’ (2019) 2019(4) Revue Des Contrats 347
Whittaker S, ‘Distinctive Features of the New Consumer Contract Law’ (2017) 133(January) Law Quarterly Review 47
Whittaker S, ‘Opting for Tort’ (2015) 6(3) Journal of European Tort Law 209
Whittaker S, ‘Identifying the Legal Costs of Operation of the Common European Sales Law’ (2013) 50 Common Market Law Review 85
Whittaker S, ‘The Proposed ‘Common European Sales Law’: Legal Framework and the Agreement of the Parties’ (2012) 75(4) Modern Law Review 578
Whittaker S, ‘L’instrument facultatif du droit européen des contrats et la liberté contratuelle’ [2011] Revue Des Contrats 579
Whittaker S, ‘The Optional Instrument of European Contract law and Freedom of Contract’ [2011] European Review of Contract Law 371 – 398
Whittaker S, ‘Clauses abusives et garanties des consommateurs: la proposition de directive relative aux droit du consommateur et la portée du ’harmonisation complète’’ (2009) 2009(17) Recueil Dalloz 44743
Whittaker S, ‘The Elaboration of the Common Frame of Reference : Translating the ""Tool-box""’ [2009] Revue Des Contrats 807
Whittaker S, ‘Unfair Terms and Consumer Guarantees: the Proposal for a Directive on Consumer Rights and the Significance of ""Full Harmonisation’ [2009] European Review of Contract Law 45689
Whittaker S, ‘Burden of Proof in the Consumer Acquis and in the Draft Common Frame of Reference: Law, Fact and Things in Between’ [2008] European Review of Contract Law 411 – 444
Whittaker S and Banfi del Rio (translator) C, ‘El precedente en el Dercho ingles: una vision desde la ciudadela’ (2008) 35(1) Revista Chilena De Derecho 37
Whittaker S, ‘Form and Substance in the Harmonisation of Product Liability in Europe’ [2007] (2007) Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht 858-71
Whittaker S, ‘Form and Substance in the Reception of EC Directives into English Contract Law’ (2007) 3 European Review of Contract Law 381
Whittaker S, ‘La responsabilité pour le fait personnel dans l’avant-projet de réforme du droit de la responsabilité: donner voix aux silences du Code civil?’ (2007) 2007(1) Revue Des Contrats 89
Whittaker S, ‘On the Development of European Standard Contract Terms’ (2006) 2 European Review of Contract Law 51
Whittaker S, ‘Precedent in English Law: A View from the Citadel’ (2006) 14 European Review of Private Law 705
Whittaker S, ‘Contractual Control and Contractual Review in England and France’ (2005) 13 European Review of Private Law 757
Whittaker S, ‘Un droit à la prestation plûtot qu’un droit à l’exécution? Réflexions sur l’exécution en nature et réparation en droit anglais’ [2005] Revue Des Contrats 49
Whittaker S, ‘Assessing the fairness of contract terms: the parties’ essential bargain, its regulatory context and the significance of the requirement of good faith’ (2004) 37987 Zeitschrift Fur Europaisches Privatrecht 75
Whittaker S, ‘Public and Private Law-making: Subordinate Legislation, Contracts and the Status of ’Student Rules’’ (2001) 21(1) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 103
Whittaker S, ‘Judicial Interventionism and Consumer Contracts’ (2001) 117 Law Quarterly Review 215
Whittaker S, ‘Judicial Review in Public Law and in Contract Law: the example of ’Student Rules’’ (2001) 21 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 193
Whittaker S, ‘Unfair Contract Terms, Public Services and the Construction of a European Conception of Contract’’ (2000) 116 Law Quarterly Review 95
Whittaker S, ‘The application of the ’broad principle of Hedley Byrne’ as between parties to a contract’ [1997] (17) Legal Studies 169
Whittaker S, ‘Privity of Contract and the Tort of Negligence: Future Directions’ (1996) 16(July) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 191
Whittaker S, ‘How does French Law deal with anticipatory breaches of contract?’ (1996) 45(3) The International and Comparative Law Quarterly 662
Whittaker S, ‘Privity of Contract and the Law of Tort: The French Experience’ (1995) 15(3) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 327
Whittaker S, ‘European Product Liability and Intellectual Products’ (1989) 105(1) Law Quarterly Review
Whittaker S, ‘The EEC Directive on Product Liability’ (1986) 5(1) 1985 Yearbook of European Law 232
Whittaker S, ‘An historical perspective to the special equitable action in Re Diplock’ [1983] Journal of Legal History 3
WHITTAKER S, ‘Retaining EU Law in the United Kingdom’ The Law Quarterly Review
Cartwright J, Fauvarque-Cosson B and Whittaker S, La réécriture du code civil: Le droit français des contrats après la réforme de 2016 (Société de législation comparée 2018)
Whittaker S, Bell J and Boyron S, Principles of French Law (OUP 2008) pp.
Whittaker S, Liability for Products: English Law, French Law and European Harmonisation (OUP 2005) 752
Whittaker S, ‘Ch 1 Contract Law and ""Contracts""; Ch 2 Fundamental Principles of Contract Law; Ch 3 Contract Law and Other Legal Categories; Ch 7 Form; Ch 11 Personal Capacity; Ch 17 Exemption Clauses; Ch. 40 Consumer Contracts; Ch. 47 Suretyship’ in H Beale (ed.), Chitty on Contracts (34th edition) (Sweet & Maxwell 2021)
Whittaker S, ‘Contractual Purpose’ in G Albers, F Paolo Patti and D Perrouin-Verbe (eds.), Causa contractus. Auf der Suche nach den Bedingungen der Wirksamkeit des vertraglichen Willens / Alla ricerca delle condizioni dell’efficacia della volontà contrattuale / À la recherche des conditions de l’éfficacité de la volonté contractuelle (Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG 2020)
Whittaker S, ‘4. Les dommages-intérêts punitifs et l’amende civile: une réflexion comparative d’un juriste anglais sur le Projet de réforme de la responsabilité civile’ in D Fenouillet (ed.), Flexibles notions – La responsabilité civile (Editions Pantheon-Assas 2020)
Whittaker S, ‘La reforme du droit de la consommation au Royaume-Uni et les contrats portant sur un bien meuble corporel (goods contracts)’ in H OUCARD and others (eds.), Les recodifications du droit de la vente en Europe (Presses universitaires juridiques de Poitiers diff. LGDJ Lextenso éditions, 2020, (collection de la Faculté de droit et des sciences sociales) 2020)
Whittaker S, ‘A Common Framework for Civil Liability’ in J Borghetti and S Whittaker (eds.), French Civil Liability in Comparative Perspective (Hart 2019)
Whittaker S and Borghetti J, ‘Principles of Liability or a Law of Torts?’ in J Borghetti and S Whittaker (eds.), French Civil Liability in Comparative Perspective (Hart 2019)
Whittaker S and Cartwright J, ‘The Law of Contract, the General Regime of Obligations, and Proof of Obligation, Introduction to the English Translation’ in F Ancel and B Fauvarque-Cosson (eds.), Le nouveau droit des contrats, Guide bilingue a l’usage des praticiens (LGDJ 2019)
Whittaker S, ‘Chapters 1 Introductory, 5 Form, 9 Personal Capacity, 15 Exemption Clauses, 38 Consumer Contracts, and 45 Suretyship.’ in H Beale (ed.), Chitty on Contracts (Sweet & Maxwell 2018)
WHITTAKER S, ‘The Code Napoléon Rewritten, French Contract Law after the 2016 Reforms’ in J CARTWRIGHT and S WHITTAKER (eds.), The Code Napoléon Rewritten French Contract Law after the 2016 Reforms (Bloomsbury Publishing 2017)
Whittaker S, ‘Contracts, Contract Law and Contractual Principle’ in J Cartwright and S Whittaker (eds.), The Code Napoléon Rewritten, French Contract Law after the 2016 Reforms (Bloomsbury 2017)
Whittaker S, ‘The Roles of la Prestation in the New French Law of Contract’ in U Mattei and others (eds.), Studi in onore di Antonio Gambaro - un Giurista di Successo, T II (Giuffrè Editore, S.p.A. Milano 2017)
Whittaker S, ‘’General Principles’ and ’Underlying Principles’ in the Proposed Common European Sales Law and their Role in its Interpretation’’ in J Rutgers and P Sirena (eds.), Rules and Principles in European Contract Law (Intersentia 2015)
Whittaker S, ‘The Consumer Rights Act 2015’ in M Bridge (ed.), Benjamin’s Sale of Goods, Special Supplement to the Ninth Edition (Sweet & Maxwell 2015)
Whittaker S, ‘Chapters 1 Introductory; Chapter 5 Form; Chapter 9 Personal Incapacity; Chapter 15 Exemption Clauses; Chapter 38 Consumer Contracts; Chapter 44 Suretyship’ in H Beale (ed.), Chitty on Contracts (Sweet & Maxwell 2015)
Whittaker S, ‘Les clauses abusives: point de vue anglais et européen, Le contrôle des clauses abusives dans le Projet d’ordonnance portant réforme du droit des contrats, du régime général et de la preuve des obligations’ in P Stoffel-Munck (ed.), Réforme du droit des contrats et pratique des affaires (Dalloz 2015)
Whittaker S, ‘Variation and Termination of Consumer Contracts’ in L Gullifer and S Vogenaeur (eds.), English and European Perspectives on Contract Law and Commercial Law, Essays in Honour of Hugh Beale (Richard Hart 2014)
Whittaker S, ‘The Notion of Damage in EU Consumer Contract Law’ in E Terry, G Straetmans and V Colaert (eds.), Landmark Cases of EU Consumer Law in Honour of Jules Stuyck (Intersentia 2013)
Whittaker S, ‘Who determines what civil courts decide? Private Rights, Public policy and EU law’ in D.Leczykiewicz and S Weatherill (eds.), The Involvement of EU Law in Private Relationships (Richard Hart 2013)
Whittaker S and Reisenhuber K, ‘Conceptions of Contract’ in G Dannemann and S Vogenauer (eds.), The Common European Sales Law in Context: Interactions with English and German Law (OUP 2013)
Whittaker S, ‘The Internal Relationships of EU Consumer Contract Laws: Unfair Contract Terms, Unfair Commercial Practices and the CESL’ in L Moccia (ed.), The Making of European Private Law: Why, How, What, Who (Sellier 2013)
Whittaker S, ‘Le rayonnement de René David’ in A Henri Capitant des amis de la culture juridique française (ed.), Hommage René David (Dalloz 2012)
Whittaker S, ‘Contratos abusivos, cláusulas abusivas y prácticas comerciales desleales’ in S Camara Lapuente (ed.), La Revision de las Normas Europeas y Nacionales de Proteccion de los Consumidores (Thomson Reuters (Legal) Ltd 2012)
Whittaker S, ‘Chapter 1 Introdutory; Chapter 4 Form; Chapter 8 Personal Capacity; Chapter 15 Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts; Chapter 44 Suretyship’ in H Beale (General Editor) (ed.), Chitty on Contracts (Thomson Sweet & Maxwell 2012)
Whittaker S, ‘Traduire les concepts, c’est interpréter les différences: la structure analytique du droit des obligations, les sanctions de l’inexécution et ""Remedies for Breach’ in P Catala (ed.), L’art de la traduction, L’accueil international d l’avant-projet de réforme du droit des obligations (Editions Pantheon-Assas, Paris 2011)
Whittaker S, ‘Contract networks, freedom of contract and the restructuring of privity of contract’ in F Cafaggi (ed.), Contractual Networks, Inter-Firm Cooperation and Economic Growth (Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc. 2011)
Whittaker S, ‘The Product Liability Directive and Rome II Article 5: ’Full Harmonisation’ and the Conflict of Laws’ in C Barnard and O Odudu (eds.), Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies (Richard Hart 2011)
Whittaker S, ‘Contracts for Services in English Law and in the DCFR’ in R Zimmermann (ed.), Service Contracts (Mohr Siebeck 2010)
Whittaker S, ‘The development of product liability in England’ in S Whittaker (ed.), The Development of Product Liability (Cambridge University Press 2010)
Whittaker S and Cartwright J, ‘Translating the Avant-projet de réforme’ in J Cartwright, S Vogenauer and S Whittaker (eds.), Reforming the French Law of Obligations (Richard Hart 2009)
Whittaker S, ‘\’Termination\’ for Contractual Non-performance and its Consequences: French Law Reviewed in the Light of the Avant-projet de reforme’ in J Cartwrigh, S Vogenauer and S Whittaker (eds.), Reforming the French Law of Obligations (Richard Hart 2009)
Whittaker S, ‘Chapter 1 Introductory; Chapter 4 Form; Chapter 8 Capacity; Chapter 15 Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts; and Chapter 44 Suretyship’ in H Beale (ed.), Chitty on Contracts (30th edition) (Thomson Sweet and Maxwell 2008)
Whittaker S, ‘Can the Contract Control the Contract? ""Entire Agreement Clauses"" in English Law’ in F Addis (ed.), Le Clausole di Forma nelle Condizioni Generali di Contratto (Giuffe Editore, Miilan 2008)
Whittaker S, ‘Price Variation Clauses’ in M Fabre-Magnan, J Ghestin and P Jourdain (eds.), Etudes offertes a Genevieve Viney (L.G.D.J. 2008)
Whittaker S, ‘\’Contributory Fault and Mitigation; Rights and Reasonableness: Comparisons between English and French Law’ in L Tichy (ed.), Causation in Law (2007)
Whittaker S, ‘A ’Period of Grace’ for Contractual Performance’ in M Andenas and others (eds.), Liber Amicorum Guido Alpa, Private Law Beyond the National Systems (British Institute of International and Comparative Law 2007)
Whittaker S, ‘Termination Clauses’ in A Burrows and E Peel (eds.), Contract Terms (in A. Burrows and E. Peel, Contract Terms (OUP, 2007) 2007)
Whittaker S, ‘The Interpretation of Concepts in European Private Law’ in K Boele-Woelski and W Grosheide (eds.), The Future of European Contract Law (Wolters Kluwer 2007)
Whittaker S, ‘The Relationship of the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive to European and National Contract Laws’’ in S Weatherill and U Bernitz (eds.), The Regulation of Unfair Commercial Practices under EC Directive 2005/29: New Rules and New Techniques (Hart Publishing 2007)
Whittaker S, ‘The Language or Languages of Consumer Contracts’ in J Bell and C Kilpatrick (eds.), Cambridge Yearbook of European Studies 2005-2006 (Hart Publishing 2006)
Whittaker S, ‘The Terminologies of Civil Protection: Rights, Remedies and Procedures’ in B Pozzo and V Jacometti (eds.), Multilinqualism and the Harmonization of European Law (Kluwer 2006)
Whittaker S, ‘Theory and Practice of the ’General Clause’ in English Law: General Norms and the Structuring of Judicial Discretion’’ in S Grundmann and D Mazeaud (eds.), General Clauses and Standards in European Contract Law (2006)
Whittaker S, ‘A Few Observations on the Plurality of Debtors and on their Release’ in A Vaquer (ed.), La Tercera Parte de Los Principios de Derecho Contractual Europeo, The Principles of European Contract Law Part III (Tirant lo blanch, Valencia 2005)
Whittaker S, ‘Chapter 1 Introductory; Chapter 4 Form; Chapter 8 Capacity; Chapter 15 Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts; and Chapter 44 Suretyship’ in H Beale (ed.), Chitty on Contracts (29th edition) (Sweet and Maxwell 2004)
Whittaker S, ‘Consumer Law and the Distinction between Public and Private Law’ in J-B Auby and M Freedland (eds.), La distinction du droit public et du droit privé: regards français et britanniques/ The Public Law/Private Law Divide: une entente assez cordiale (Ed. Panthéon Assas 2004)
Whittaker S, ‘Taking Time and Giving Time for Performance: a Comparison of Aspects of the English and the French law’ in A Santiago Espiau and A Vaquer (eds.), Bases de un Derecho Contractual Europeo/Bases of a European Contract Law (Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia 2003)
Whittaker S, ‘I problemi posti dal recepimento della direttiva 1999/44/CE del maggio 1999, concernente taluni aspetti della vendita di beni di consume e delle garanzie ad essi relative. Prospettive del diritto inglese’ in G Cian (ed.), L’attuazione della Direttiva 99/44/CE in Italian et in Europa (CEDAM 2002)
Whittaker S, ‘Performance of another’s obligation: French and English law contrasted’ in D Johnston and R Zimmermann (eds.), Unjustified Enrichment, Key Issues in Comparative Perspective (Cambridge University Press 2002)
Whittaker S, ‘The Reformulation of Contractual Formality’ in P Birks and A Pretto (eds.), Themes in Comparative Law in Honour of Bernard Rudden (Oxford University Press 2002)
Whittaker S, ‘Les sanctions de l’inexecution des contrats, droit anglais’ in M Fontaine and G Viney (eds.), Les sanctions de l’inexecution des obligations contractuelles, Etudes de droit compare (Bruyant, Bruxelles and LGDJ, Paris 2001)
Whittaker S, ‘Reciprocity Beyond Privity’ in P Kincaid (ed.), Privity, Private Justice or Public Regulation (Ashgate 2001)
Whittaker S, ‘Contracts which harm third parties: English law’ in L Vacca (ed.), Gli effetti del contratto nei confronti des terzi nella prospettiva storico-comparatistica (Giappichelli, Torino 2001)
Whittaker S and Zimmermann R, ‘Good faith in European contract law: surveying the legal landscape’ in R Zimmermann and S Whittaker (eds.), Good Faith in European Contract Law (Cambridge University Press 2000)
Whittaker S and Zimmermann R, ‘Coming to terms with good faith’ in R Zimmermann and S Whittaker (eds.), Good Faith in European Contract Law (Cambridge University Press 2000)
Whittaker S, ‘Le contrat: la loi unique des parties?’ in P Legrand (ed.), Common Law: d’un siècle l’autre (Blais 1992)
Whittaker S and Borghetti J, French Civil Liability in Comparative Perspective (Hart 2019)
Whittaker S, The Development of Product Liability (C.U.P. 2010)
Cartwright J, Vogenauer S and Whittaker S, Reforming the French Law of Obligations (Hart Publishing 2009)
Whittaker S and Borghetti J, ‘Reform Bill on Civil Liability’ (Ministry of Justice, French Republic, 1 May 2017)
Cartwright J, Fauvarque-Cosson B and Whittaker S, ‘The Law of Contract, the General Regime of Obligations, and Proof of Obligations (English translation of new provisions in the French Civil Code)’ (Ministry of Justice, French Republic, 1 January 2016)
Whittaker S, ‘La protection du consommateur contre les clauses abusives en Grande Bretagne’ (Commission des clauses abusives, France, 1 January 2009)
Cartwright J and Whittaker S, ‘Proposals for Reform of the Law of Obligations and the Law of Prescription; English translation of Avant-projet de réforme du droit des obligations et de la prescription (2005)’ (1 January 2007)
Whittaker S, ‘Good Faith, Implied Terms and Commercial Contracts’ (2013) 129(October) Law Quarterly Review (case-note)
Whittaker S, ‘Unfair Contract Terms, Unfair Prices and Bank Charges’ (2011) 74(1) Modern Law Review 106 (case-note)
Whittaker S, ‘Defective Products and Economic Loss’ (1986) 49(3) Modern Law Review (case-note)
Whittaker S, ‘Remedies for economic loss against a sub-agent’ [1985] (1) Modern Law Review 86 (case-note)
Whittaker S, ‘Retention of Title and Specification’ (1984) 100 Law Quarterly Review 35 (case-note)
Whittaker S, ‘Comments on ’Abuse of Law’ in European Private Law’ (2011)
Whittaker S, ‘The \’Draft Common Frame of Reference\’: An Assessment’ (Ministry of Justice of the United Kingdom 2009)