Eduard Buzila
Eduard Buzila is PhD candidate in law at the Faculty of Law, Institute for Public Law, Goethe-University Frankfurt. Previously, he received a BA in English Linguistics and Economics and a MA in Empirical Linguistics, Intercultural Interactions and Cultural Studies from the University of Bayreuth. There, he read Law and Sociology and also Economics and Sociology at the University of Bamberg. Eduard is studying towards an LLM at Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg at the moment.His primary research interest broadly focuses on Hannah Arendt, political theory, emotion theory and research, psychoanalysis, emotion in law, law and culture, law and politics, law and economics, law and network theory, law and language, forensic linguistics, legal theory, philosophy of law, sociology of law, legal anthropology and theory of interdisciplinary studies.
Amonf his publications see:
Hannah Arendt: Eine interdisziplinäre Einführung [English: Hannah Arendt: An Interdisciplinary Introduction] (working title) (utb Verlag) (forthcoming)
The Structure of Positive Interpersonal Relations in Small Groups in Davis, J. A. and Leinhardt (1967), In: Schlüsselwerke der Netzwerkforschung. [English: Key Works of Network Research], Stegbauer, C., and Holzer, B. (Eds.), Wiesbaden: Springer Verlag, p. 141-145
Die Meinungsbildung in der Volkswirtschaftslehre: Ein Überblick [English: The Formation of Opinion within Economics], Blickpunkt VWL, issue nr. 3, p. 27-33.
Beruf Wissenschaftler? Wie wissenschaftlich ist die Wissenschaft [Academic as a Profession? How Scientific is Science?], Blickpunkt VWL, issue nr. 2, p. 6-11, 2013
Der Nutzen forensischer Linguistik für die Rechtspraxis [English: The Use of Forensic Linguistics for the Legal Practice], Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW), issue 33, p. 14, 2012