AHRC Follow-on Funding for Impact and Engagement

Updated 30th November 2020

The AHRC Follow-on Funding for Impact and Engagement scheme operates without formal deadlines and will offer awards of up to £100,000 (fEC) for a maximum of 12 months. Smaller awards of up to £30,000 (fEC) are encouraged for shorter or higher risk activities, for example testing the feasibility of an idea, exploring new partnerships for knowledge exchange, testing the market or investigating a new business model. Decision making times are reduced for these smaller awards.


Funds will be awarded for knowledge exchange, public engagement, active dissemination and commercialisation activities that arise unforeseeably during the lifespan of or following an AHRC-funded project. The scheme does not support supplementary funding for continuation of research activities. Further information can be found here.

The AHRC attaches major importance to the position of UK arts and humanities research in the international and global arena and positively encourages active collaboration between UK researchers and those in other countries.

You can submit proposals to this call at any time - there are no fixed closing dates. 

Please note that all applications must be made through the cross-council Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) System. When starting your application form in Je-S please ensure that you select the Follow-on Funding for Impact and Engagement scheme.

For further information on scheme criteria, eligibility, assessment  procedures and supportable activities please see the new scheme guidance is available now in our Research Funding Guide.


Though you cannot request funds to cover a salary or teaching buy-out via this scheme, the PI / CoI would be expected to include a few hours a week of their time on the application. For more detailed explanation, please visit the "I need my salary to be covered" section of this website.

Detailed eligibility criteria are set out within the AHRC Research Funding Guide. 


Please allow sufficient time for your application to be reviewed and amended at each stage. This will allow us to support you more effectively and ensure that your proposal is ready for formal submission.

For applications over £30,000 fEC:They aim to complete the assessment process within 14-16 weeks and the earliest start date for a project should be no earlier than five and no later than nine months after submission. If the start date is not as adhered to as above if the proposal is successful you may be asked to change the start date.

For applications under £30,000 fEC: They aim to complete the assessment process within six weeks and the earliest start date should be no earlier than three and no later than nine months after submission. If the start date is not as adhered to as above if the proposal is successful you may be asked to change the start date.

Law Faculty deadline for initial expression of interest 30 Days prior to proposed submission
Law Faculty deadline for first draft review 15 Days prior to proposed submission
Research Services deadline 5 Days prior to proposed submission
Funder deadline Not applicable - Open Call