British Academy and Nuffield Foundation Collaboration on Understanding Communities

Deadline: 4 June 2021

The British Academy and the Nuffield Foundation invite applications from early and mid-career researchers, policymakers and practitioners to participate in a research and policy innovation workshop and develop innovative and interdisciplinary research proposals that work towards enhancing people’s lives in the context of their communities. At least £500,000 in funding is available to deliver the research proposals that result from the workshop and more funding may subsequently be made available to develop the programme of work if proposals and projects demonstrate sufficient promise. Applicants are invited to address themes relating to the British Academy's Cohesive Societies programme's aims of evaluating and developing policy on how societies can remain cohesive in the face of rapid political, social, economic and technological change, and the Nuffield Foundation's aims of advancing social welfare through research. The workshop will take place at a series of virtual sessions from 13 to 24 September 2021, with a final virtual session on 13 October 2021.

Visit the Nuffield Foundation and British Academy's webpages for more information on this opportunity and how to apply

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