British Academy's Sustainable Development Programme

Funder deadline: 30th May 2018.

This is the British Academy's second funding call for their Sustainable Development Programme. This programme is for UK- based researchers in the humanities and the social sciences to develop interdisciplinary research projects that will generate evidence on sustainable development challenges and opportunities in ODA-eligible countries. This programme is supported by the UK Government’s £1.5billion Global Challenges Research Fund.

Projects are expected to start from September 2018 and last up to 27 months. Awards of up to £300,000 will be made. The deadline for applications is Wednesday 30 May 2018 (17.00 UK Time)

More information can be found at the following web link:

Funder deadline: 30th May 2018

Research Services deadline: 23rd May 2018

Faculty 1st draft review: 7th May 2018

EOI: 30th April 2018