Faculty of Law REF Impact Funding

Application deadline: 30th November 2018

The Faculty of Law has received £7,500 REF Impact funding to be spent by 31st March 2019 on supporting impact related activity outside academia.

We want this funding to be as flexible as possible so the only criteria is that the proposed activity must be of interest to people outside academia. The activity can be completely new or a continuation of existing work.

The following people are eligible to apply for a grant:

  • Any Faculty member who currently holds a University post funded by the Law Faculty
  • Any Faculty member who currently holds a College post. Junior Research Fellows are only eligible if they have a contract with their College that includes a teaching obligation of at least 4 hours per week during term.
  • Any member of research staff employed by the Faculty who is on grade 07S or above.

Your applications will be reviewed by the Faculty's Research Support Fund Committee. A successful applicant will receive up to £2,000 to help support impact related activity.  

The Faculty's Research Facilitation team are very happy to discuss your ideas in advance of the application deadline and review your application for you.

To apply for funding, please complete the application form and email it to research@law.ox.ac.uk 

Faculty Expression of Interest: 23rd November 2018

Faculty 1st draft review: 26th November 2018

Faculty Application deadline: 30th November 2018