Volume 23, Issue 1 of the Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal published

Cover for Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal, Volume 23, Issue 1

The Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal is pleased to announce the publication of its Volume 23, Issue 1, which includes the text of Lady Justice Carr's Harris Society Annual Lecture 2023, given at Keble College, Oxford in May, as well as articles on various Commonwealth jurisdictions and public and private law topics:

  1. The Right Honourable Lady Justice Carr DBE, '"Delicate plants, "loose cannons", or "a marriage of true minds"? The role of academic literature in judicial decision-making'
  2. May Fong Cheong, Divyangana Dhankar, and Shaun Star, 'Legal transplantation of minors’ contracts in India and Malaysia: ‘Weak’ Watson and a ‘misfitted’ transplant'
  3. Paul F. Scott, 'Corruption and the constitutional position of the Overseas Territories'
  4. Kartik Kalra, '"The law has taken all my rights away": on India’s conundrum of able-normative death with dignity'
  5. Amit Bindal, 'Constitutionalism and the sacred cow: the secular mythology of the Indian Supreme Court'

You may view this issue on our publisher's website here.

The Editorial Board that worked on this issue (Urania Chiu, Lauren Crais, Jessica Sutton, Anna Kretowicz, and Shuchita Goel) is grateful for the submissions it received. The OUCLJ continues to pride itself upon publishing high-quality scholarship on a diversity of legal issues which are of interest to an international audience.

Submissions to the OUCLJ are currently reviewed on a rolling basis, and you are strongly encouraged to submit original articles or case notes which fall within our aims and scope.