Planning Your Research Impact Evidence

20 November 2018 – 12.00 to 14.00 

Co-facilitated by Aileen Marshall-Brown (Senior Research Impact Facilitator, Social Sciences Division) and Charlotte Medland (Impact and Evaluation Officer, Humanities Division), these workshops will support researchers doing impactful activity to plan their evidence-gathering process. These skills will be especially useful as we approach REF2021. The sessions will include:
How to use Symplectic Elements for REF outputs and impact, and the advantages of storing your data in this way;
What a 4* Impact Case Study looks like in Symplectic;
How to ensure you are collecting the ‘right’ evidence for REF impact;
Hands on experience with Symplectic;
Lunch will be provided. Open to researchers from Social Sciences Division & Humanities Division.
Booking essential via Eventbrite here 

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