Barristers' training: when to apply for scholarships, pupillages and mini-pupillages

Event date
22 October 2020
Event time
12:00 - 13:00
Oxford week
Postgraduate Students
Undergraduate Students
Online - Microsoft Teams

In this session we will cover the key dates and deadlines for carving out a career as a barrister. Suitable for anyone considering a career at the Bar, whether you are a law student or a non-law student. We’ll go through when and how to apply for pupillage (the ‘graduate job’ part of becoming a barrister) and mini-pupillage (the 2-5 days’ work experience offered by sets of chambers). We’ll also talk about the £6m worth of scholarships offered by the four Inns of Court to help you find your training.

Please submit any related careers questions you’d like answered to Julia at at least two days before the event so we can work them into the workshop.

Book via CareerConnect

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Professional Development