Copyright User Rights, Contracts and the Erosion of Property

Event date
22 May 2018
Event time
12:30 - 14:00
Oxford week
St. Cross Building - Seminar Room D
Pascale Chapdelaine

In Copyright law discourse, “copyright user rights” generally refers to exceptions and limitations to copyright infringement, such as fair dealing or fair use. User rights literature has therefore traditionally focused on limitations and exceptions to copyright infringement and on their justification, predominantly through a public law lens. Those justifications find their source in human rights law, or in various public policy considerations requiring that we limit the exclusive rights of copyright holders, and on the overall benefits of a robust public domain. In this seminar, Pascale Chapdelaine presents a different view of copyright user rights through the lens of private law, grounded in copyright, property, contracts, sale of goods, consumer law and remedies. This perspective reveals worrying trends and struggles to deal adequately with the dematerialization of copyright works, as users navigate their way in the digital economy.   The private law lens reveals important gaps in the broader public policy ideals and goals that generally withstand a greater recognition of copyright user rights.  

A light lunch will be provided. All are welcome.


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Intellectual Property Law