The Legal Construction of Immigrant China

Event date
7 May 2018
Event time
17:00 - 18:30
Oxford week
St Hugh's College - Dickson Poon Building Lecture Theatre (entrance from Canterbury Road)
Björn Ahl, and Mimi Zou
From former NBA players and UEFA football players to African traders, entrepreneurs, and foreign students, China has become an emerging destination for international migrants over the past two decades. The enactment of new immigration legislation in 2013 and recent changes to employment immigration rules represent significant developments in regulating new immigration patterns. There has also been growing public antagonism towards foreigners in some parts of China, reflected in public security campaigns to combat the so-called ‘three illegalities’ (sanfei) of illegal entry, illegal residence, and illegal work. In this panel, two experts on China immigration law will critically examine the new regulatory regime and its implications for foreign immigrants, particularly those entering China in the employment stream. Dr. Mimi Zou (Oxford): ‘Bonfire of the Illegalities? The Paradox of China’s New Immigration Law’ Prof. Björn Ahl (Cologne): ‘Recent Reforms in the Chinese Employment Immigration Stream’

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