Private Rationality and Public Reasonableness: The Rational Interactor in Economics and Law

Event date
20 November 2018
Event time
17:00 - 19:00
Oxford week
Balliol College - Old Archive Room (the Buttery)
Professor Bruce Chapman


Professor Bruce Chapman (Oliver Smithies Lecturer and Visiting Fellow) will give two Oliver Smithies Lectures ‘Normativity and Rationality in Economic Analysis of Law: Two Critiques’:

  • Monday 19 November 2018, 5.00pm in the Massey Room – ‘Moral Consensus, Rights, and Efficiency in the Economic Analysis of Law’
  • Tuesday 20 November 218, 5.00pm, in the Old Archives Room - ‘Private Rationality and Public Reasonableness: The Rational Interactor in Economics and Law’.

Professor Bruce Chapman is a Professor Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto.

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