The relationship between the protection of internally displaced persons and international refugee law

Event date
21 May 2014
Event time
Oxford week
All Souls College
Brid Ni Ghrainne

These weekly seminars are for graduate research students (DPhil, MPhil, MStud, and PRS, but not BCL or MJur students) in Public International Law. At each session a student  makes a short presentation on his/her research (or a specific part of it that she/he would like to discuss), and the presentation is then discussed.

Every student is expected to make a presentation in the course of the year (with Trinity Term being reserved for the PRS students) and the sessions are designed solely with a view to being helpful, rather than a trial. The aim of these seminars is to get friendly and informal feedback and cross-fertilization among international lawyers, and to help researchers to focus upon the key issues in their work.

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