Talk by David Laws MP

Event date
30 January 2012
Event time
Oxford week
Magdalen College
David Laws

David  Laws  is  one  of  the  most  prominent  and
influential     Liberal     Democrats.     He     was
instrumental  in  the  negotiations  after  the  2010
general election which led to the formation of the
coalition   government   and   has   published   his
account entitled 22 Days in May.
David   Laws   joined   the   Cabinet   as   Chief
Secretary  to  the  Treasury  and  played  a  major
part in deciding the outline of the spending cuts
announced  by  the  government.  He  resigned
after 17 days in office as a result of an expenses
scandal  which  has  been  widely  interpreted  as
resulting  from  his  wanting  to  keep  his  sexuality
private rather than seeking to benefit financially.
David Cameron has said that he hopes Laws will
return to office and it has been widely predicted
that he will rejoin the Cabinet in the near future.

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We wish to thank Mayer Brown for its generous support of this seminar series.

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