Ups and Downs of Data Trusts: A Viable option for Data Governance?
Event date
16 February 2021
Event time
12:30 - 13:30
Oxford week
Online event via MS Teams
Prof. James Penner & Jeremiah Lau
Notes & Changes
Please contact Beril Boz to register and receive the MS Teams link.
In this session we will discuss the idea of data trusts as an alternative method for data governance.
Suggested readings:
- Sylvia Delacroix, Neil D Lawrence, 'Bottom-up Data Trusts: Disturbing the 'One Size Fits All' Approach to Data Governance', 9:4 International Data Privacy Law [2019]
- Christine Rinik, 'Data Trusts: More Data than Trust? The Perspective of the Data Subject in the Face of a Growing Problem', 34:3 International Review of Law, Computers & Technology [2019]
- Jeremiah Lau Jia Jun, J.E. Penner, Benjamin Wong, 'The Basics of Private and Public Data Trusts', NUS Law Working Paper No. 2019/019.