New Official Papers Reading Room opens at the Bodleian Law Library

Dr Sarah Thomas, Bodley’s Librarian, and Professor Timothy Endicott, Dean of the Faculty of Law, formally opened the new Official Papers Reading Room at the Bodleian Law Library today. The establishment of the new reading room on the ground floor of the St Cross Law Library is part of a major estates and technology transformation to improve services to readers within the Bodleian Libraries. The new reading room has been refurbished from what was, originally, closed book stacks.

Ruth Bird, Bodleian Law Librarian, said, “The Bodleian Law Library now holds a collection that is similar in its breadth to the great law libraries of the world, where government papers have always been seen as part of their law collections. Housing the collection in the Law Library, which is located next to the Social Sciences Library, provides a more convenient point of access for social science researchers in a variety of fields.”

Photographs and more information can be found on the Law Bod Blog and in the press release below.