Shearman & Sterling University of Oxford Moot Competition 2012

Can a passenger travelling in a stolen car who is injured in a collision due to the negligence of the driver recover damages in tort when he was complicit in the theft of the car? What standard of care does a driver who, unbeknownst to him, suffers from a disability that seriously impairs his ability to drive owe to his passenger? These questions were the subject of passionate submissions on Saturday the 4th of February 2012 at the 9th  annual Shearman & Sterling University of Oxford Moot Competition.

24 students competed in the Competition. The Grand Final was judged by Lord Dyson. Appearing for the appellant were Mr James Woolrich (Worcester) and Mr David Robertson (Worcester). Mr Stephen Donnelly (Lincoln) and Mr Robert Bellin (Balliol) argued the case for the respondent. Lord Dyson remarked on the very high standard of the advocacy and the difficult decision to make concerning the winning team. Ultimately, he declared Mr Donnelly and Mr Bellin as the winners.

photo of participants

Finalists: James Woolrich and David Robertson  of Worcester, Lord Dyson, and Stephen Donnelly (Lincoln) and Robert Bellin (Balliol)


photograph of the winners of the moot

Winners: Stephen Donnelly (Lincoln) and Robert Bellin (Balliol) with Lord Dyson