University of Exeter v University of Oxford Moots

Two moots were held on 7 and 8 of November 2012 in Exeter between Oxford and the University of Exeter. Oxford prevailed in both moots.

The first moot was between undergraduates and focused on vicarious liability. The first ground of appeal concerned the control test for determining whether a tortfeasor should be treated as an employee, and the second related to employees who disobeyed express prohibitions from employers. Oxford was represented in this moot by Bibek Mukherjee and Gethin Thomas.

The second moot, which was between graduate students, focused on defamation. The issues debated included the test for determining whether a statement is defamatory. The Oxford team was constituted by John Jessup and Tiziana Scaramuzza.

These moots were an initiative of, and supported by, the Oxford Bar Society. They was organised by Amy Slingo, the Oxford Bar Society Mooting Secretary, and by Lizzie Egan and Lizzie Andrews, the Mistresses of Moots of the Exeter Bracton Law Society. The moots were generously sponsored by JUSTIS.