Emily Hudson's work informs Australian Law Reform Commission report proposing broad fair use exception to copyright.

On 5 June 2013, the Australian Law Reform Commission released its Discussion Paper in the inquiry Copyright and the Digital Economy. The Discussion Paper recommends that the Australian Copyright Act be amended to include a broad, flexible exception for fair use. In making this recommendation, the Discussion Paper drew extensively from a submission jointly authored by the OIPRC’s Dr Emily Hudson, along with Winthrop Professor Robert Burrell (UWA), Associate Professor Michael Handler (UNSW) and Associate Professor Kimberlee Weatherall (Sydney). Their submission argued in favour of the introduction of a fair use provision modelled on that in the US. The Discussion Paper also referred to Emily’s doctoral thesis, which recently won the 2012 Harold Luntz Graduate Research Thesis Prize awarded by the Melbourne Law School.

 Responses to the ALRC Discussion Paper must be made by 31 July 2013, and it is due to make its final report by 30 November 2013.