BCL Student Wins the 2013 UKELA Andrew Lee's Prize

Sebastian Ko (St Hilda’s College), who is completing the Bachelor of Civil Law, has been awarded the 2013 Andrew Lees’ Prize (the Prize) by the UK Environmental Law Association (the UKELA) for his essay on 'Legal treatment of complexity: The unwieldiness of environmental law'. The essay is published in the July 2013 issue of the UKELA journal “e-law. 'Sebastian’s essay … provided an elegant pointer to the way forward in addressing the regulation of eco-system goods and services', Professor Robert Lee of Exeter University noted in judging for the Prize.

The Prize is awarded for the best article submission on a topic relevant to UK environmental law to the UKELA annual article competition. Submissions are assessed for interesting and engaging writing, well-structured argument, and understanding and analysis of environmental law. The competition is sponsored by LexisPSL Environment, and is open to any student, trainee solicitor, pupil barrister, or solicitor or barrister with not more than two years’ post qualification experience.

The prize ceremony was held in Cambridge on 12-14 July 2013 at the UKELA 25th Anniversary Conference, which was attended by the UKELA President and patron, the Rt Hon Lord Carnwarth of Notting Hill, and the Astronomer Royal and guest of honour, the Lord Rees of Ludlow, amongst other friends of the environment.


 (l-r): Sebastian Ko with Hayley Tam, Head of LexisPSL Environment, and Mark Brumwell, Chair of UKELA

(c) Alison Boyd