Professor John Gardner FBA

The Faculty of Law is delighted to announce that Professor John Gardner has been elected to the British Academy.

John Gardner is Professor of Jurisprudence and a Fellow of University College. He was formerly Reader in Legal Philosophy at King's College London, Fellow and Tutor in Law at Brasenose College, Oxford and Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. He has also held visiting positions at Columbia University, Yale University, the University of Texas, Princeton University, the Australian National University and the University of Auckland. He serves on the editorial boards of numerous journals including the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Legal Theory, Law and Philosophy, and the Journal of Moral Philosophy. Called to the Bar in 1988, he has been a Bencher of the Inner Temple since 2002 (although he does not practice).

The British Academy, established by Royal Charter in 1902, champions and supports the humanities and social sciences. It aims to inspire, recognise and support excellence and high achievement across the UK and internationally.

Professor Lord Nicholas Stern, new President of the British Academy, said: “The humanities and social sciences celebrate the study of what it means to be human and how we relate to the world around us. They can also help us tackle many of the challenges faced in this country and the world as a whole. Our new Fellows, from across the UK and world, are world-class experts in the humanities and social sciences and can play a vital role in sustaining the Academy’s activities – helping select researchers and research projects for funding support, contributing to policy reports and speaking at the Academy’s public events.”

John was one of 42 new Fellows elected to the British Academy this year. The elections were made at the Annual General Meeting of the British Academy on 18 July 2013.