International Lawyers for Africa (ILFA) training day in Oxford - 8 October 2013

International Lawyers for Africa (ILFA) is a group, organised in the main by city law firms in London,  which organises a three month training programme, for young African lawyers (see

In addition to being based in a city firm and get some experience of what it is like to work in that environment, the lawyers also attended a training programme in public international law. For the past four or five years, the ILFA candidates have come up to Oxford for a day of talks in PIL presented by Dapo Akande, Professor Guy Goodwin-Gill, Professor Dan Sarooshi, Dr Antonios Tzanakopoulos and Dr Greg Messenger.
This year the topics covered were:

Refugees and Population Displacement
International Dispute Settlement
The Law of the World Trade Organization
The United Nations and the Maintenance of Peace and Security
Law and Practice of Investment Treaty Arbitration