IHRL Students for Justice - 17 July 2014

17 July is international criminal justice day, marking the day when the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court was adopted in 1998. The day has since been taken to celebrate international criminal justice generally.

To commemorate this day, 30 first-year and second-year students from the part-time Masters in International Human Rights Law posed for a photo in the cloisters of New College, University of Oxford. The students are members of New College, Kellogg College, Exeter College, Blackfriars and others.

Student Petar Duric stated: “As IHRL students, international criminal justice is one of our main areas of study and, naturally, something that we wish to make our own contribution towards. With this photo, we wanted to send a message that justice matters and that impunity for international crimes must end. It must end because these crimes threaten the security and well-being of mankind. As such, justice matters not only because it is necessary to address the accountability for past atrocities, but also because it is a prerequisite for a safer and more peaceful future.”

The photo is already one of the most liked and shared photos on the official Justice Matters page.