Round Table Discussion on Competition, Market Transparency and Information Exchange - 4 June 2015

On Thursday 4 June 2015, the University of Oxford Centre for Competition Law and Policy, in conjunction with The Oxford/Stockholm Soderberg Venture and the Journal of Antitrust Enforcement will host a round table discussion on Competition law, information exchange and market transparency. Papers presented will explore the application of competition law to information exchange and market transparency, including, but not limited to: Cartels, Concerted Practices, Conscious parallelism, Associations of undertakings, Online platforms, Hub and spoke agreements, MFNs and RPM.

Confirmed Speakers:

Bill Kovacic, Bob Marshal, Maurice Stucke, Lars Henriksson, Ingrid Vandenborre, Florian Wagner Von Papp, Antonio Capobianco,  Matthew Chiasson, Ulf Bernitz, Björn Lundqvist.

For further details please contact the CCLP administrator.