Registration Open for SCMR-JEMS Migration and Diversity Conference

Registration is now open for the SCMR-JEMS 3rd Annual Conference: Migration and Diversity: a dialogue across disciplines, hosted by the Sussex Centre for Migration Research on 16 March 2016, in Brighton, UK.

Confirmed speakers:

Roger Waldinger (University of California, Los Angeles), A cross border perspective on migration. Beyond the transnationalism/assimilation debate.

Jørgen Carling (Peace Research Institute Oslo), Comment on Roger Waldinger.

Brenda Yeoh (National University of Singapore), Reflections on Diversity in SE Asia.

Magdalena Nowicka (Humboldt University), Migrant spaces, shared values and negotiated meanings.

Alexander Betts (University of Oxford), Reflections on the refugee ‘crisis.’

Elaine Chase (University College London), The shifting contours of ‘precarity.’ The wellbeing of former unaccompanied migrant children in UK.

All are welcome and attendance is free but for catering purposes please register by 1 March 2016.